
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Removing the mystery from our tie breaks

If you've run a round robin or Swiss tournament on Challonge, you know that ties are fairly common. While the logic behind our tie breaks is often obvious, that's not always the case! And when ties aren't broken how you'd like, there's nothing you can do... until now.

Challonge tournament organizers can now define three tie breaks in advanced options. If you like our defaults, no need to look, but if you've been craving more control or transparency, you now have it.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Release notes - Mark underway matches

  • Allow admins to mark open matches as "in progress." This allows you to keep track of the matches that have been assigned a console / table /etc. The label to the left of an in-progress match is orange and updates in real-time with the rest of the bracket. This is currently geared toward admins, but this will prove to be especially useful for spectators down the road.
  • Tournaments you've voted in are no longer displayed on your dashboard.
  • FIX: in rare instances, rounding errors showed up when calculating round robin and swiss participant stats, showing too many digits after the decimal. This is fixed.
  • FIX: printer-friendly live images no longer show blocks in place of less common Unicode characters
  • Beta testing is underway for two-stage tournaments (group stage + final stage -- e.g. World Cup)