
Thursday, October 26, 2017

Introducing Challonge Ratings

Elo ratings for your tournaments’ players and teams

This week we quietly released a powerful new feature: Challonge Ratings. Read on to learn how to activate our Elo-based ratings system and leaderboards for your events.

We have a new home. Check out our new blog to read on:

Friday, February 24, 2017

Looking ahead through 2017

Challonge's new home, SplitmediaLabs, has some exciting announcements to make this year, some of which will most certainly originate from Challonge. Thanks to being apart of a bigger family, we're ramping up development efforts, so you'll see us tackling some bigger and more exciting features this year.

As we accelerate, we want to make sure you can keep track of what we're releasing, so as of today, we'll be maintaining a public change log for the site. Give it a glance occasionally to see what we're shipping — I promise it'll get more interesting soon!

View the change log